Cord Cutting Guide

Cord Cutting Ritual

The most important part of this ritual is truly be ready to let go and disconnect from energetics ties. Your intention is what breeds life into this kit and ritual. Below are some suggestions to get you started. Follow your intuition and feel free to make this ritual your own!

Begin by finding a place in your home to hold the ritual. You’ll want to find a space where you’ll be comfortable and are able to relax and not be disturbed for a couple of hours.

Once you find your place cleared of any dust and put down a fire safe plate well you’ll be placing and burning your candles. The flames will get high and you’ll I want to make sure this area is safe to burn in.

Remove your items from the bag, your kit will contain two candles, cotton twine, incense, matches and my specially made protection black salt.

Create a circle with the salt around the plate you’ll be using to burn the candles. This will keep you and your energy protected during this ritual.

Like the incense to clear the energy for the ritual, you’ll be using the incense again after you set up for your ritual. Feel free to use your own Palo Santo or stage instead of the incense.

Using a sharp object at your name on one candle, and the persons name you want to detach them on the other. If there are several energetic ties, you want to clear, you can write this intention down on a small piece of paper and put it underneath the plate.

Tie the twine around both candles and place them inside the salt circle. If you’d like to see what this looks like check out the shop listing for photos!

Bernier incense, one more time, taking the stick around in a large Circle in clockwise motion around the salt and in a figure 8 in between the candles.

Take a moment to ground yourself. Slow your breathing in order to slow your down heart rate, the goal is to get you in a meditative state. Imagine the energy that is connecting you to this person (or people), if possible try to locate where in your body you feel this energetic cord. You can say a prayer, speak your intention or simply say “I am ready to release this energetic tie and reclaim all energy that belongs to me”.  Make sure your candles are set up, so there is space in between them, but they are tied together with a cord. When you’re ready, it’s time to let your candles.

Focus on your candles and the flames, how are they reacting and how is each candle burning? Allow yourself to feel the wave of emotions that may come about as you go through the process of releasing this energy. Honor your feelings that may come up and allow them to flow through and let them go. As the candles burn down, pay attention to what happens when the actual cord burns. The cleaner the burn and cut the easier. These ties are being released. If your ritual goes wild, and the flames go out or go out of control and you need to put them out before they go out on their own, this is a sign your benefit from repeating the ritual one more time in a few days.

If you’d like, guided meditations, I can help you through this ritual. YouTube has some great resources.

If you’d like to add more power to your ritual, a good time a day to perform this is at sunset. If you’d like to work with moon cycles, a full moon is great for releasing and shedding.

These candles are meant to be burned in one use. If you need to put them out before they go out on their own, you’ll need to restart the ritual over when you’re ready. It’s best to make time for this ritual when you you will not be disturbed.

A common occurrence that may happen after you perform this ritual is the person or people the energy you are cutting cords with may pop up in your life within days of the candle burn. Do not engage with this energy, if you do the effects of the cord cutting will be counteracted and you’ll need to perform the ritual again.

If you have any questions about your cord cutting kit, please feel free to reach out.